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Selling products / Products
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 14
    For indoor fixed installations in dry locations, in switchboards and distributors, installed in surface mounted or embedded conduits, or on suitable objects.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    Only for fixed installations in dry, humid and wet locations. Not suitable for laying directly open-air or in concrete.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    PVC panel soft wiring for use in the switch control, relay and instrumentation panels of power switchgear and for purposes such as internal connectors in rectifier equipment, motor starters and controllers.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    For internal wiring or supply cords to electrical apparatus, particularly for use in high-temperature zones such as lighting applications. Not suitable for outdoor use.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    The cable is suitable for installation indoors, in cablechannels and in duct in ground in switchgear, power stationsand industrial application, in harsh environments where a highlevel mechanical protection is required.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    These power cables are used for electricity supply in low voltage installation system. They are well adapted to underground use in industrial applications with additional mechanical protection. These cables can be fixed on cable trays, within conduits or fixed to walls.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    These power cables are used for electricity supply in low voltage installation system. They are well adapted to underground use in industrial applications with additional mechanical protection. These cables can be fixed on cable trays, within conduits or fixed to walls.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    High-temperature cables represent a vast range of cables which continue to perform at increased temperatures and therefore have a high-temperature rating.   Designed for use in environments where sustained heat resistance is required, cables have heat resistant properties up to 180°C and can also be employed at temperatures as low as -60°C. These cables are low smoke zero halogen and are suitable for power plants, a wide range of industrial applications in processing, packaging, refrigeration, foundries, aircraft construction and shipbuilding.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    Ordinary duty flexible rubber cords suitable for use indomestic premises, such as kitchens and offices.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    These cables are designed to provide high flexibility and have the capacity to withstand weather, oil/grease, mechanical and thermal stresses. Applications include handling equipment, mobile power supplies, worksites, stage and audio visual equipment, port areas and dams. Also for use in drainage and water treatment, cold environments and severe industrial environments.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    In response to a fast-growing need for energy , the renewable energy industry in general, and the solar energy sector, in particular, have been successfully developing new technologies to capture energy from our environment in order to supply ‘green’ power to local and national networks.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    Welding cables are suitable to provide the connection between the welding apparatus and the welding tool used in manual and automatic applications found on construction sites, and in welding robots on assembly lines used by the shipbuilding and automotive industries. These robust welding cables are designed to carry high currents under rough usage conditions and are capable of enduring the high temperatures implied in their purpose.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
Contact information



China Tianjin Headquarters

Address: No. 5, Jinghai Economic Development Zone and Shanlu, Tianjin

时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
News / More>
2019 - 07 - 07
01 About Fengda cableTianjin Feiya electric wire and cable Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Jinghai Economic Development Zone, Tianjin, with a total area of 50000 square meters, superior geographical location and convenient transportation. The company has fixed assets of more than 100 million yuan, with 4 wholly-owned subsidiaries and more than 100 domestic sales companies. It is a large-scale comprehensive enterprise integrating scientific research, development, production and sales, and has always been the most important wire and cable production enterprise in North China.02Corporate culture an...
2019 - 07 - 07
Fengda cable, the advocator of China's safety wire and cable!Our persistence starts from every detailFounded in 1998, Fengda cable is a national high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, production, sales and service, focusing on the field of cable, and is a leading provider of wire and cable products and overall solutions in China. The company is headquartered in Tianjin Jinghai Economic Development Zone, covering an area of 50000 square meters, with superior production and investment environment. Five wholly-owned subsidiaries have been established nationwide, and a sales management an...
2019 - 07 - 07
凤达小课堂开课了,夏天用电安全早知道!  01不要用潮湿的手去触碰电源 夏季为高温、雨水较多的季节,人容易出汗,出汗时触电的可能性和严重性均超过平常。出汗的手与干燥的手的电阻是不一样的,同样条件下,人出汗时触电的可能性和严重性均超过一般,而且夏季衣服单薄,部分皮肤裸露在外,与其他季节相比易直接接触带电体,所以应格外注意不要用手去移动正在运行的电器。 02不使用的电器及时切断电源 家用电器的绝缘保护时间一长,可能就会出现毁损漏电情况,这样一来就容易引起火灾,尤其是一些和水有关联的电器,比如热水器、洗衣机等家用电器,不使用时最好切断电源。 03家中浸水,关闸断电 家中若不慎浸水,应先关闭总闸切断电源,防止正在使用的家用电器因浸水而造成绝缘损坏发生事故,并通知专业人员进行绝缘检查。 04空调使用非小事 夏季天气炎热,只有空调的运转才能给我们一丝凉爽之意,但空调使用绝非小事。夏季空调温度26℃为宜,但是如果以26℃运行时间后调高1℃,可以节省约10%的耗电量,也可防止温度过低造成的关节受凉等空调病。开空调的同时应关好门窗,尽量减少不必要的能耗。 05禁止超负荷用电 夏季经常会发生超负荷用电的情况,要知道严重的超负荷用电会导致电压降低,影响电压质量,造成电线发热加剧,绝缘老化加速,影...
Address:Jinghai Economic Development Zone and No.5 Shanlu, Tianjin
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