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Products /
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 14
    For indoor fixed installations in dry locations, in switchboards and distributors, installed in surface mounted or embedded conduits, or on suitable objects.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    Only for fixed installations in dry, humid and wet locations. Not suitable for laying directly open-air or in concrete.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    PVC panel soft wiring for use in the switch control, relay and instrumentation panels of power switchgear and for purposes such as internal connectors in rectifier equipment, motor starters and controllers.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    For internal wiring or supply cords to electrical apparatus, particularly for use in high-temperature zones such as lighting applications. Not suitable for outdoor use.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    The cable is suitable for installation indoors, in cablechannels and in duct in ground in switchgear, power stationsand industrial application, in harsh environments where a highlevel mechanical protection is required.
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China Tianjin Headquarters

Address: No. 5, Jinghai Economic Development Zone and Shanlu, Tianjin

Fengda Cable, China Safety Cable Advocate!

日期: 2019-07-07
浏览次数: 10

Fengda cable, the advocator of China's safety wire and cable!

Our persistence starts from every detail

Founded in 1998, Fengda cable is a national high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, production, sales and service, focusing on the field of cable, and is a leading provider of wire and cable products and overall solutions in China. The company is headquartered in Tianjin Jinghai Economic Development Zone, covering an area of 50000 square meters, with superior production and investment environment. Five wholly-owned subsidiaries have been established nationwide, and a sales management and market service system composed of hundreds of system integrators has been formed.




Famous brand

As a private high-tech enterprise in China, Feiya has also won many awards in recent years. Recently, in the selection of 'famous brands' in the building materials industry around the Bohai Sea, Feiya won the title of 'famous brand'. At the same time, the good reputation, strict quality control and strong after-sales service system of Feiya's products in the industry are also the key to the recognition of the brand.


Science and technology enterprises

Tianjin Feiya wire and cable Co., Ltd., since the launch of 'Fengda' brand cable, has been deeply welcomed by customers. 'Fengda cable' has been awarded the honorary certificate of 'Tianjin Science and technology enterprise' by Tianjin Science and Technology Committee for its innovative technology and optimized quality.


Welfare Enterprise

Since its establishment, our company has provided suitable jobs for the disabled with certain labor ability, solved the employment problem of some disabled people, and won the honorary title of 'welfare enterprise' in 2013.


Tianjin famous brand products

The 'Fengda' brand cable of Tianjin Feiya wire and cable Co., Ltd. once won the honor of 'Tianjin famous brand' and was affirmed by customers. In 2013, it won the honor certificate of 'Tianjin famous brand'


High quality products in China

At the beginning of 2014, Tianjin Feiya wire and cable Co., Ltd. also reported that the 'Fengda' brand wire and cable produced by our company was approved by China Light Quality Assurance Center and awarded the title of 'China high quality product'. Over the years, under the active guidance and strong support of the government departments, all employees of Feiya have adhered to the enterprise spirit of 'working together, striving for the first-class, working hard and never stopping', carried forward the spirit of hard work and continuous fighting, greatly increased the company's output value and business performance, laid a solid foundation for winning the title of China's high-quality products, and completed the brand creation project. It has realized a new leap on the brand road.


3C compulsory certification

With the approval of the state, BV, rvrvv, RVVP, YH, YZ and other series of wires and cables of our company have obtained 3C compulsory product certification. The so-called 3C certification refers to China compulsory certification system, with the English name of China Compulsory Certification and the abbreviation of CCC. It is a product conformity assessment system implemented by the government in accordance with laws and regulations to protect the personal safety and national security of consumers, strengthen product quality management. Obtaining 3C certification means that the products produced by our company fully meet the requirements of safety and reliable quality. It's a reassuring product worth buying.


9000 quality management system

Since the implementation of ISO9000 quality management system, our company has been actively exploring to make the enterprise management system work to a new height. Our company has been strictly implementing the quality management system and rules and regulations, carrying out production operations in strict accordance with the standards, continuously improving the product quality through the determination of quality policy, the implementation of quality objectives, the implementation of quality responsibilities, constantly improving the awareness of focusing on customers, linking the objectives of the system and departments with customer needs and expectations, and clarifying customer satisfaction and the headquarters. The responsibilities of the Department and the post are related. The quality manual of the company has established the procedure documents in accordance with the requirements of 9000 standard, implemented the standard comprehensively and improved continuously. In August 2018, our company successfully passed the annual review of the expert group. In the process of this review, our company has fully prepared materials, actively cooperated with the audited department and relevant personnel, and highly appraised the positive efforts made by our company in various management systems in the past year.


14000 environmental system

Since the establishment of our company, in the process of establishing and implementing the management system, leaders attach great importance to it, employees fully participate in it, all departments cooperate in time, earnestly implement standards, strictly control procedures, and pay attention to the effectiveness of the operation of the management system. For a long time, under the care and guidance of the superior environmental protection department, our company has conscientiously implemented various laws and regulations, strengthened the responsibility system of environmental protection objectives, further improved the enterprise's environmental management ability, made significant progress in various work, no environmental pollution event occurred, and further improved the company's image. Therefore, in August 2018, our company successfully passed the environmental management system certification audit again and obtained the certification certificate, which is not only an affirmation of our company's emphasis on environmental management, but also an important starting point for our company to operate effectively in strict accordance with the system requirements.


CE EU certification

With the progress of the times, the global development of enterprises has become a consensus. Our company is in the forefront of the same industry. In the process of continuously launching new products, enterprises pay more attention to making products go abroad and go global. With the continuous efforts of the company, the wires and cables produced by our company have successfully obtained EU CE certification. CE certification is the national regulatory authority of EU Member States responsible for the implementation of market product safety control. When our products are attached with CE mark, they can flow freely in the EU market. The passing of CE certification makes our products hold the pass to the EU market, which is even bigger. The degree of improvement of our company's product competitiveness.



Since its establishment, Tianjin Feiya electric wire and cable Co., Ltd. has adhered to technological progress and concept innovation, constantly strengthened internal management, kept pace with the times and made progress, and the scale of the enterprise has been growing. The company has a leading production line and testing equipment in China, organized production in strict accordance with national and international standards, and implemented full control from the purchase of raw materials to the delivery of finished products. System. Formulate the quality policy of 'taking customer demand as the center, production management as the basis, continuous improvement of quality system, and improvement of customer satisfaction products'. Our products are sold to all over the world. Many projects use our company's products.

1、Yujiabaonord center, Binhai New Area


2、Foxconn Langfang science and Technology Industrial Park


3、Jiuquan satellite launch base of Gansu Province


4、Lanzhou station, Gansu Province


5、Gansu Provincial People's Hospital


6、The first city in the world of Xianghe, Hebei Province


7、Dongjin Century City, Xiangyang City, Hubei Province


8、Tianjin zhoudafu financial center


9、Arcadia International Hotel Langfang



2019 is a new starting point, and we will strive to build a more high-tech and modern enterprise. The upgrading of the brand-new image indicates that Tianjin Fengda will usher in the comprehensive upgrading of product upgrading, brand promotion and marketing strategy, which not only indicates our higher product positioning, but also indicates that our customers give Fengda cable greater expectations for future development.

- The End -

Official wechat:feng-daxianlan

Enterprise address:5 Heshan Road, Jinghai Economic Development Zone, Tianjin                



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Address:Jinghai Economic Development Zone and No.5 Shanlu, Tianjin
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