Hotline: 022-83965099
Products /
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 03 - 14
    For indoor fixed installations in dry locations, in switchboards and distributors, installed in surface mounted or embedded conduits, or on suitable objects.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    Only for fixed installations in dry, humid and wet locations. Not suitable for laying directly open-air or in concrete.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    PVC panel soft wiring for use in the switch control, relay and instrumentation panels of power switchgear and for purposes such as internal connectors in rectifier equipment, motor starters and controllers.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    For internal wiring or supply cords to electrical apparatus, particularly for use in high-temperature zones such as lighting applications. Not suitable for outdoor use.
  • 发布时间: 2019 - 10 - 25
    The cable is suitable for installation indoors, in cablechannels and in duct in ground in switchgear, power stationsand industrial application, in harsh environments where a highlevel mechanical protection is required.
Contact information



China Tianjin Headquarters

Address: No. 5, Jinghai Economic Development Zone and Shanlu, Tianjin

About Fengda Cable

日期: 2019-07-07
浏览次数: 14

01 About Fengda cable

Tianjin Feiya electric wire and cable Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Jinghai Economic Development Zone, Tianjin, with a total area of 50000 square meters, superior geographical location and convenient transportation. The company has fixed assets of more than 100 million yuan, with 4 wholly-owned subsidiaries and more than 100 domestic sales companies. It is a large-scale comprehensive enterprise integrating scientific research, development, production and sales, and has always been the most important wire and cable production enterprise in North China.





02Corporate culture and strength

Since its establishment, Fengda cable has adhered to technological progress and concept innovation, constantly strengthened internal management, kept pace with the times, made pioneering efforts, and constantly developed and expanded its enterprise scale. And formulated the quality policy of 'taking customer demand as the center, production management as the basis, continuously improving the quality system, and improving customer satisfaction products'.


The company has a leading production line and testing equipment in China. It organizes production in strict accordance with national and international standards, and controls the whole process from the purchase of raw materials to the delivery of finished products.


The enterprise has passed ISO9001:2000 international quality system certification with perfect quality management, all products have obtained the production license and national compulsory CCC certification issued by the quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of industry, and all mining products have passed the Ma certification of the coal department of the National Security Bureau.


3The best-selling high-quality products come from the development strategy of modern enterprises. With great efforts, the company has established a complete and perfect product system, mainly producing and selling more than ten categories and thousands of varieties of 110kV and below high and low voltage power cables, cross-linked power cables, communication cables, control cables, computer cables, insulated overhead cables, rubber cables, marine cables, mining cables, fire-resistant and fire-resistant cables and special cables, which are widely used in electric power and metallurgy. , petroleum, chemical industry, national defense, power station, coal mine, transportation, port, construction and other industries, the products are sold well all over the country and exported to Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, deeply trusted and supported by customers, and selected by key national projects.


03Forge ahead and look forward to the future

Facing the new market competition situation and the pattern of global economic integration, the company will adhere to the development concept of 'quality determines strength', adhere to the business policy of 'integrity-based, bold innovation, forge ahead, steady development', vigorously promote the three strategies of technological innovation, capital operation, international expansion, and comprehensively promote the 'Fengda' brand cable from traditional enterprises to high-tech production. Industry transformation, respect for knowledge talents, build a spirit of 'Fengda' that is striving to make progress, unite and strive for prosperity, strive to build a 'strength oriented enterprise', create a new brilliance of the enterprise, and contribute our wisdom and strength to the power construction at home and abroad! Realize the company's bright future of 'flying out of Asia and going to the world'.



- The End -

Official wechat:feng-daxianlan

Enterprise address:5 Heshan Road, Jinghai Economic Development Zone, Tianjin


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Address:Jinghai Economic Development Zone and No.5 Shanlu, Tianjin
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